What Does Copyright Protect?

copyright registration online

Copyright is a form of Intellectual property Rights which gives protection to original work of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and Artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operations, although it may protect the way these things are expressed. You can refer circular 1, copyright basics, section “what works are protected”.

Can I Copyright My Website?
The original authorship appearing on the authorship can be protected under Copyright. This includes writing, artwork, photographs, and other forms of authorship protected by the copyright. Procedures for registering the contents of a website may be found in circular 66, copyright registration of website and website content.

Can I Copyright My Domain Name?
Copyright law does not protect domain names. The internet corporations for Assigned names and numbers (ICANN), a non-profit Organization that has assumed the responsibility for domain name system management, administers the assigning of domain names through accredited registers.

How Do I Protect My Recipe?
A mere listing of ingredients cannot be protected under copyright law. however, where a recipe or formula is accompanied by substantial literary expression in the form of an explanations and directions, or when there is a collection of recipes as in a cookbook, there may be a basis of copyright protection. Note If you have some secret ingredient in your
recipe then you should not give that recipe for registration as applications and deposit copies are public records.

Can I Copyright The Name Of A Brand?
Brand names are not subject to copyright, although brand names gets protection under Trademark Law.

How Do I Copyright My Idea?
Idea, concept, systems, or methods of doing something cannot be protected under copyright law. You may express your ideas or your concept in writing then you might get protection under copyright law.

Does My Work Have To Be Published To Be Protected?
Publication is not necessary for copyright protection.

How Can I Protect My Sighting Of Elvis?
Copyright law does not protect sightings. However, copyright law will protect your photo, of your sighting of Elvis. File your claim to copyright online by means of Electronic Copyright Office. Pay the fees online and attach a copy of your photo. No one can lawfully use of your photo of your sighting, although someone else can file his own photo of his sighting.
Copyright law protects the original photograph, not the subject of the photograph.

Does Copyright Protects Architecture?
Yes Architecture work is subject to protection under copyright law since December 1, 1990. The copyright law defines Architectural work as “ the design of a building embodied in any tangible medium of expression, including a building, architectural plans, or drawings”.
Copyright protection extends to any architectural work created on or after December 1, 1990.
Also any Architectural work that were unconstructed and embodied in unpublished plans or drawings on that date and were constructed by December 31, 2002, are eligible for protection.

Can I Get Star Named After Me And Claim Copyright To It?
No, there is a lot of misunderstanding about it. Names are not protected by copyright. Publishers of works such as a star registry may register a claim to copyright In the text of the volume or book, containing the names, the registry has assigned to stars, and perhaps the compilation of data, but such a registration would not extend protection to a any other individual star names appearing therein. Copyright registration of such a volume of star
names does not confer any official or governmental status of any of the star names included in the volume. For further information on copyright protection and names, see circular 33, works not protected by copyright.


BIATConsultant is legal consultant who can provide you expert advice together with aids in copywriting you of any things as required by our expert team of legal experts .

How to file GST return in India?

GST Return Filing

After the introduction of GST in India from 1 st July, 2017, every registered taxpayer is required to file GST return in order to avoid levy on hefty penalty and fines. In this blog we will explain every aspect of GST returns including the meaning of GST returns, their type and procedure to file GST returns.

‘One Nation One Tax’ is the basic motive behind the introduction of GST regime in India. With the introduction of GST in India, the Government of India has made an attempt to streamline the taxation system of the country. Under the GST regime, the detailed information regarding the transactions is required to be submitted by the registered taxpayers. Moreover, under the new regime more stringent compliances are prescribed to avoid tax evasion. To ensure that the taxpayers are compliant with the regulations made the provision of hefty penalty and fines are also made by the Government.

To promote the ease of doing business in India the Ministry of Finance has developed a widespread IT system facilitating the recording of invoices and data of taxpayers at one place.

Further, under the GST regime, the taxpayers can easily obtain GST Registration, file returns and upload invoices on the online portal of Goods And Service tax.

What is GST return?

GST return is a document containing the details of sales and purchase undertaken by taxable person. Every specified person is required to file GST return with the department before the specified due date. the concept of GST returns has been crafted to make sure that all the transactions match with each other and there is no transaction left unnoticed.

There are multiple types of GST returns depending upon the category of taxpayer that is required to be filed by the registered taxpayer. Let us take a brief look at them.

For the normal taxpayers:

GSTR-1:- this return shall be submitted to provide the details of outward supplies of taxable goods or services affected during the previous month. The return should be filed by 10 th of succeeding month.

GSTR-2A:- it will be auto generated, and made available on 11 th of the succeeding month for the recipients to see and validate the information therein. The recipients are empowered o make any modification or amendment based on their books of accounts from 11 th to 15 th of succeeding month.

GSTR-2:- this return is the culmination of all inward supply of goods and services as approved by the recipients of the services. This form is required to be filed by 15 th of the next month. The details of GSTR-2A will be auto-populated into it.

GSTR-1A:- after filing GSTR-2 on the 15 th of the subsequent month, the details in the GSTR-1A will be auto generated. It will contain the details of all the modifications made. The supplier shall have the choice to accept or reject the changes made by the recipient. If the supplier accept the changes then GSTR-1 will stand revised.

GSTR-3:- Through this return the details of all outward as well as inward supply of goods and services as filed in GSTR-1 and GSTR-2 are furnished. The tax liability and input tax credit availability will be determined by GSTN after considering the details of both the months.

GSTR-3A:- through this return, a notice will be given to the person who fails to furnish the return within due dates. It will be generated after the 15 days from the default.

GSTR-9:- every registered taxpayer is required to file GSTR-9 by 31 st December of the succeeding month. It is a sum up of all 12 monthly GSTR-3 filed by the taxpayer and will contain the details of tax paid during the year along with the details of import and export.

GST ITC-1:– after the details filed under GSTR-3 are fully accepted, then final input tax credit shall be communicated through form GST ITC-1. The details of ITC-1 should be confirmed in due time to avail the credit for that month. If the same is not done in due time, then it will disallow the credit of the month and will be computed as a tax liability for the month instead.

GST returns to be filed by composite taxpayers:

GSTR-4A:- every taxpayer who is registered under he composition scheme is liable to file a quarterly return in GSTR-4A. it will contain the details of inward supplies as reported by suppliers in GSTR-1.

GSTR-4:- through auto generated details of GSTR-4A, the taxpayer can furnish all his outward supplies here. It will also contain the details of tax payable. It is required to be filed on quarterly basis and 18 th of the subsequent month.

GSTR-9A:- every composite taxpayer is required to file annual return by 31 st December of the subsequent fiscal year. It will contain the consolidated details of the quarterly returns filed along with the details of tax paid.

GST return to be filed by non- resident taxpayer:

GSTR-5:- every non resident taxpayer is required to file GSTR-5 containing the particulars of outward supplies, imports, tax paid, input tax availed and remaining stock. The due date for filing GSTR-5 is 20 th of the subsequent month or if the registration is given up, then within the 7 days within the expiry of registration.

Procedure to file GST return:

For filing the GST returns you can simply visit the official site of GST, login to your account, and simply upload the details of your invoices. If you are facing any kind of problems in filing your GST return you can easily get it filed by our  BIAT Consultant. One important thing to be noted here that it is very important to take utmost care while filing the return and file correct returns.


BIATConsultant is leading consultant in India providing GST Registration online and online GST return filing .

What Are The Consequences Of Not Filing Annual Return?

non filing of return

According to the Rules and Regulations of Companies Act, 2013, every company registered in Ministry Of Corporate Affairs is required to file Annual Returns in order to avoid hefty penalties for the Directors as well as for the Company.
An Annual Return is a document that is required to be filed by every company with the Ministry of Corporate Affair office on the close of each financial year. Annual Returns shall be filed within 60 days from the date of Annual General Meeting or if it is not held in any particular year from the date at which this meeting shall have been conducted. As per Companies Act, 2013,any
company failing to do so within the prescribed time period will be considered as an offence for which the punishment will be levied. Thus, it is imperative to file the accurate and timely returns for every company. With this blog we will discuss the consequences of not filing Annual Return.

What is the Punishment for Directors?
Directors are Responsible for managing the functions of the company. Thus, filing timely returns is also responsibility of Directors only. If they will fail to file the return on time then they will have to face the punishment for it depending upon the days for which filing is delayed. Here are some cases of penalty to be levied on the Directors:-

Case 1- Non filing of return within 270 days:
If the Director has not filed return within 270 days when it should be filed originally then it

Directors would be liable to pay an Additional Penalty. The Directors will be imprisoned for the term exceeding 6 months and the fine not less than 50K which can extend upto 50 lacs or with both.

Case 2- non-filing of returns for 3 years:
If the return is not filed for the period of 3 years then the Directors have to face severe consequences. They will no more be eligible to be appointed as Director for the same Company for the total period of 5 year from the date from the date on which the company fails to file the return.

Case 3- false statement filed:
In case the return of the company is filled with false or omitted facts the Director or any other person responsible will be imprisoned for the time period of 6 months that may be extended to 10 years. Also he shall be liable for the fine that would not be less than the amount involved in
fraud and can extend up to three times the amount involved in fraud.

What is the punishment for the Company:
The company is treated as a separate legal entity in the eyes of law. Thus, apart from the Directors, the company will also be held responsible for the non-filing of Annual Returns by MCA. Following is the amount of fine that the company is required to pay in different cases:

Case1- Period of delay of 15 days:
The amount of penalty would be 1 time of the number of fees normally charged.

Case 2: More than 15 days but not more than 30 days:
The amount of penalty would be 2 times of the number of fees normally charged.

Case 3- More than 30 days but up to 60 days:
The amount of penalty would be 4 times of the number of fees normally charged.

Case 4- More than 60 days but up to 90 days:

The amount of penalty would be 6 times of the number of fees normally charged.

Case 5- More than 90 days but up to 180 days:
The amount of penalty would be 10 times the amount of fees normally charged.

Case 6- More than 180 days but up to 270 days:
The amount of penalty would be 12 times the amount of fees normally charged.

Case 7- More than 270 days:
The penalty would be 100rs per day after the expiry of 270 days.

Case 8- for 2 years:
If the company fails to file the return for last 2 financial years consistently then the company would be regarded as inactive. Further, the bank account of the company would freeze and the notice of strike off will be issued by the company.

How To File Income Tax Return For Private Limited Company

Filing income tax returns is a crucial requirement which is followed by both the companies. There are specific tax rates and time period which is specified in income tax rules and regulations that is required to be followed by every individual and company.
Income tax return is the form required to be filed with the tax authorities in order to report the income, expenses, and other tax crucial information. In India, the individual and companies meeting, the specified requirement are required to file this return on annual basis. Just like any other company private limited company is also required to file their income tax returns timely.

According to the income tax act, the tax return filing of the companies can be categorized into two parts one is of a domestic company and other is of a foreign company. With this article we will understand the comprehensive aspect of income tax return filing private limited companies.

Income Tax Rate of a Company:
Basic rate: for domestic companies in India following tax rates are being followed:
If gross turnover is up to 250 crore in the previous year – 25%

If gross turnover is exceeding 250 crore in the previous year – 30%

Surcharge: If income tax exceeds INR 1 crore – 7% rate will be applicable on the total income computed.

If income exceeds INR 10 crore – 12% rate will be applicable on the total income computed.

Minimum Alternate Tax:
it is a concept according to which all the companies whose tax liability is less than 18.5% of book of profit are required to pay the minimum alternate tax at the rate of 18.5% of book of profit in addition to surcharge and education cess.

Time limit for filing return:
The last date for filing income tax return by every private limited company registered in India is 30 th September.

Types of tax return to be filed by company:
There are two types of income tax return which is to be filed by every company, one is ITR 6 and ITR 7. Private limited companies are required to file ITR and Nidhi companies are required to file ITR 7.

BIATConsultant.com is leading company who has expertise team of CA’s and other professionals ready to provide you expert guidance on income tax return filing for private limited companies online .Contact us now .

What Is The Common Law In Trademark ?

trademark registration online

You know even if your Trademark has not gone through the usual trademark registration, you are still the owner of trademark from the point when you start to use it. The law is there to give protection to unregistered Trademark, which is also known as passing off .

What can be a common law In Trademark:

Much like the Registered Trademark, common law trademark can also be anything from symbols, words, graphics, or any such combination. As long as it can distinctly identify your product from another, it can be a common law. A common law Trademark can use “TM” symbol along with their marks when they are trading.

The Difference between a Registered Trademark and Common law Trademark:

1. A Registered Trademark can make a use of ‘R’ symbol while trading whereas in a common law mark, owner can use the ‘TM’ symbol while trading.
2. When it comes to Registered Trademark, Trademark owner can enjoy his right to the fullest and can sue Trademark infringers whereas protection in common law is limited and restricted.
3. Registered trademark can cover a lot more grounds as compare to common law mark. It means that common law trademark is restricted to a very specific geographical region.There are certain rights which are given in common law trademark
1. If you and another person have been using the same trademark while other person has pursued with trademark registration, then two individuals can oppose his mark once it is published in the journal, in such cases the registration is being awarded on the basis of prior usage, i.e. who has been using the trademark earlier.
2. Passing off remedy: this remedy is provided when an individual is using a product from many years and has earned goodwill and become known to the public then you have right to assert your claim towards trademark that are confusing and doing the same business as you. This form of protection is called as ‘passing off’ of Trademark.

Common Law V/s Registered Trademark Registration

This is very common question which comes in mind of every individual when we talk about registered trademark and common law mark. So one should always go for trademark registration as it gives you exclusive right to use the Trademark, and it also gives you right to sue the Trademark Infringer who is illegally or wrongfully using your trademark without your consent.

However Common law is a good protection but it is only for a short term. To that end, if you want a more robust protection when it comes to the matter of protecting the mark that signifies your trade, you should go with Registration.


BIATConsultant is leading consultancy firm in India . In case you are looking for trademark registration online , or is facing any conflict regarding  the same feel free to contact us at +919650476099 .

What is trademark infringement in India

trademark registration

If you have registered your trademark, then you have exclusive right to use that trademark, but if your trademark is being falsely used by other individual or person then it means that your trademark is being infringed. Trademark infringement is a punishable offence in India so it is very important for every people to understand what trademark infringement actually means.

Trademark infringement is defined under section 29 of Trademarks Act according to which it means that violating and exploiting the rights of the Trademark owner.

There are four kinds of Trademark Infringement and they are discussed below:-
1. There is likelihood of confusion:-
 A mark which is identical to the Registered Trademark and there is a similarity of goods or services covered by the Trademark in a manner causing confusion to the general public.
 The infringer might be a infringer by mistake and confusion was there by accident and with not fraudulent intention. So before using the mark it is advised to do a trademark search.
 The infringer intentionally desires to confuse the customer in order to compete with other brands.

2. False claim of registration:
There have been many instances where there have been claims of registration and all of them turned out to be false:
 Claiming that you have registered trademark even if there is no proof to support that.
 After Trademark has expired, and still claiming that the trademark is still relevant.

Trademark Registration in India is not permanent, therefore renewing of
trademark is necessary.

3. Unauthorized access to Trademarks:
When the Trademark is used illegally or without the consent of the Trademark Owner, then it is said that Trademark is being used wrongfully or the is an unauthorized access to the Trademark:
 Wrongfully using ‘R’ sign on unregistered Trademark.
 Intentionally claiming a false and unregistered Trademark.

4. False Trademark Imposition:
This sort of infringement is done in a following manner:
 Application of a false Trademark when processing, manufacturing, and packaging
the product.
 Making changes to the originally registered trademark before using it.
These are the types of infringement that you as a businessman might commit and you a trademark owner might be afflicted by. And to protect from trademark infringement there are provisions under Trademarks act which protects trademarks.

Trademark infringement is something that can both be deliberate and mistake, so it is necessary for both parties to know about its punishment and implications. This would prevent an aspirant  make a mistake and protect the owner from being infringed.


BIATConsultant is leading legal advisory firm which can provide you expert consultant for


loan to get procedure

What are personal loans?
Loans which are used for personal use like for medical, education, vacations or
for the purchase of household items are known as personal loans. These are
different from the business or commercial loans. These can be unsecured or
secured by putting up the assets by co-signing the loan. The unsecured loans
are also called signature loans. When you apply for the loan, all your
information like the past credit history and credit score is checked. Personal
loans are brilliant when you need quick cash. Here are the things that you need
to know about the personal loan.

Purpose and eligibility of the personal loan
The main purpose of the personal loans is the expenses like loans for wedding,
home renovation, children higher education, other personal financial needs
etc. There are lots of eligibility criterions for the personal loan and each bank
has its own set of rules like minimum age, credit score, income, occupation,
assets, place where are you resigning etc.
Maximum possible loan tenure and disbursal of loan amount
A loan can be given maximum for five years. It is not possible to have a loan for
more than 5 years. When the loan is approved, it gets disbursed in 7 days of
work. As soon as the loan is approved, either you will get a cheque or
equivalent amount of money will be transferred into your bank account.
Maximum amount you can borrow from bank regarding personal
The maximum amount which one can borrow depends upon on the past loan
which one has taken. If the person is already having a huge loan then it is very
difficult to get your loan approved. Make sure that the loan which you are
applying for has an EMI 50% less than after paying the current EMI. Then only
you can have your loan approved.
What is the minimum loan amount?

It all depends upon the institutions and banks. Some banks have the minimum
amount of 30000 while some has no minimum amount.
It is always great to compare different loan schemes. These can be compared
using loan tenure, processing fees and other factors. Choosing the right bank is essential and it must be selected according to your requirements.

Maximum loan amount which you can get
There are many factors affecting the maximum loan amount you can get from
the bank. These factors include credit score and salary. If you have good credit
score, close to 900, then you are more likely to get your loan approved.
If you do not have a good salary, it may happen that your loan will not get
approved. So it is crucial to have a decent salary before applying for a loan.
There is no maximum limit as such.
The necessary documents
Some of the common documents that are required for applying for the loan
are as follows:
 Income confirmation documents
 Address proof documents
 ID proof
 Copies of degree

Loan repaying process
There are various options that are involved in the loan repaying process. It
depends on bank to bank. It can either be completed through post-dated
cheques or through the Electronic clearance system (ECS). You have the
provision to pay the loan before the end date of loan tenure.
The loan is generally approved by the loan sanctioning officer. First of all, you
will have to submit all the documents, and then the verification of the details is
done. If the officer finds all the information appropriate, then only he/she
sanctions the loan. Once your loan is approved, you will get your loan within
the seven days.

Loan interests
As the personal loans are unsecured, banks generally charge you a higher rate
of interest. These interests rate varies from bank to bank.
You can even get you loan with a co-applicant. As the salary bracket rises, the
chance of the larger loan also increases. Make sure that none of you have a
poor credit score or you will have difficulty is getting large loans. Good credit
score is also essential because if you have a good credit score around 900, then you have more chances of reducing the interest rate of the loan.


BIATConsultant is leading business loan provider . Contact us now to avail our service of Financial Advisory .


gst registration by biatconsultant

It has been quite some time since GST has been implemented in India. The
main objective of the new tax regime was to make one tax system in one
nation. Let us look at the way goods and services tax has impacted business in

Small and medium businesses
The central goods & service tax (CGST) and state goods & service tax (SGST) has been combined in the new tax system. According to the new system, all the companies that have a turnover more than 20 lakh (10 lakh in some states) have come under the GST scanner. Previously the tax exemption for the SMEs was 5 lakh while the new tax exemption is increased to 20 lakh. This has created a positive impact and generated lot of revenue for the government.
Ease of doing business has been increased as double taxation policies have
been removed. Tax burden on new business has been reduced and faster
delivery of the services has been the positive effects in the implementation of

How GST impacted real estate industry?
Real Sector is one of the most important sectors in India. GST has brought lot
of transparency and relief in real estate sector of India.
Under GST 12% tax has been levied which was 6.5% before GST tax. Due to
GST, the developer either has to bear high tax burden or will have to increase
the net price of the infrastructure to meet the new tax requirements. As the
ready-to-move-in projects are kept out of GST, developers can get some
benefit for the construction that are in initial stages. Cost of cement and other
building material has increased with the new tax system. So the impact has
been neutral in real estate industry because although some building material
prices have been increased but it has cut down additional costs and provided a
transparent medium.

Impact on automobile sector

Automobile sector is one of the most important sectors. This sector produces a very large number of cars and bikes annually. The central and state
government imposed several taxes like excise tax, road tax, VAT etc. under the
GST tax. GST has hugely impacted the automobile industry. The government
increased the tax from 15% to 25% on mid-sized vehicles. There is some good
news for the importers as they would be able to claim excise duty and VAT.
GST on the cars and bikes was set under the 28% mark. The overall result is
that the implementation of GST has reduced the cost of buying bikes and cars.
GST has resulted in a good growth in this sector.

How GST has impacted FMCG companies?
The GST has impacted FMCG companies very strongly. GST has made possible more purchase of FMCG products in the festive season. The FMCG companies like Pepsico, Dabur has generated lots of profit in the festive season. Companies have been dependent on the advertisement to boost their revenue during the non-festive season.


So in case you are looking for GST registration for selling of goods or services ,  consult BIATConsultant experts to guide you throughout the process and will get your GST number registered


biat credit report important why

When we go for financial advice, first thing we get is advice about checking the credit report. But what is credit report? And why is it so important? Let’s find
What is credit report?
Credit report is the report of all your borrowings. It contains details about all
your current and past loans, credit cards. It sums up the entire details of your
life regarding loans and credit cards. It contains a 3 digit number ranging from
300 to 900 which is assigned by the credit bureaus. It is similar to grading of
your credit history as good, average and bad.
What is considered a good and bad credit report?
A good credit report shows all the positive feedback of your credit history. If
you have a score more than 700, then you are considered to have a good credit report. A good credit score mean that you have paid all you instalments timely.

However, less credit score ranges from 300 to 500. If you have a bad score
then it means that you have not paid instalments at proper times. If a person
has a credit score ranging from 500 to 700, then he has moderate credit score.

Why is credit report essential?
Credit report is essential if you want to take a loan or want to take
responsibility to pay someone else’s loan. The banks check that you have a
good credit score or not and accordingly they allow you to take loan. Let us
look at some points and understand why credit report is important.
 Approval for your loan is much simpler with good credit report as the
banks trust the person who has good credit score
 Lower Interest rates are available for loans
 You are able to negotiate better loan terms
 You can easily get best credit cards.
When you are co-signing a loan for you relative or friend, it is essential to have
a good credit score because the co-signer is responsible for paying the loan or credit if the loan borrower fails to pay. So this is very essential when someone
is co-signing.

Why it is important to check your credit report regularly?
It is important to check the report regularly because it is updated periodically
by financial institutions. There are various benefits of checking your credit
report regularly. Some of them are:
 You will always know the credit score so there is no need to worry
 If the credit score is decreasing, you can always increase it by paying the
credits timely.
 You can correct the errors if there are any in your reports. This may
improve the score if your error is corrected.
As we can see how much the credit report is valuable in taking financial
decisions. You must consult a chartered accountant before taking any financial decision. These are designated people that will guide you to take better decisions. Maintain a good credit score and it will assist you in taking financial decisions like taking a loan etc.


BIATconsultant is providing financial consultant to small , medium as well as large enterprises since 2004 .