Company Registration Australia Newzeland

Want to expand your business in Australia / New Zealand ? Get started with company registration services from BIATConsultant

Australia/New Zealand Foreign Company Registration

Registering your business in Australia gives you many opportunities as its economy is quite stable form over the span of 26 years. Moreover, Australia's business culture is also well regulated and has a firm political environment.
On the other hand when we talk about registering a business in New Zealand, then New Zealand is one of the easiest countries to start business in. to form a Limited Liability Company in New Zealand (Common type of registration) you only need one shareholder minimum. Furthermore, share capital is not required while starting your business in New Zealand.
English is the official language in both of the countries and is considered as the top five freest economies in the world and they welcome any foreign investors and businesses very warmly.


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What are steps to register company in Australia Or New Zealand ?
Register your company in Australia and New Zealand
The first step to register your business in the above mentioned two countries is to obtain/ receive Australian Company Number (ACN). it is important to obtain/ receive ACN before you get your Australian Business Name (ABN). This is the important step while you register your business in Australia.

And helpfully Australia employs the use of online services to make registering your business easy.

Using ASIC connect to register a business name<br> The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is Australia's integrated corporate, markets, Financial Services and consumer credit regulator. You can regier your business name online with ASIC separately or through the business registration service mentioned above.

Steps to register your company/ business name in Australia ?
1. Login to ASIC connect and register your business name under the “Licenses and Registration” tab at the top of the page.
2. Enter your Australian business Number (ABN), it is important that you must have Australian Business Number or have applied for an ABN to register a business name. When you are entering your ABN it is crucial that you don’t leave any space between them.
3. Enter the proposed business name. Enter the proposed business name exactly as you like it to appear on the register. Please note that business names are case sensitive.
4. Then select the registration period, you are allowed to register a business for 1-3 years. After this period you must renew it.
5. Enter the details of the business holder details. Make sure to include the business holders date of birth as well.
6. Enter the proposed business address. If you do not have a business address then you can enter your own address.
7. Confirm the business eligibility to hold the business name. It is important for the person who is applying that he must not be having any criminal litigation against him. This is outlined in the Business Names Registration Act, 2011.
8. Review your application in the end, and make sure when you are done with everything you check the application for grammar and spelling errors. When you have confirmed that everything is ok, you can submit your application.
9. Make the payment and confirm your transaction, application fee is $479. After doing the payment confirmation of its will be received by an applicant through email.
You can hire a private service provider (like us) i.e. an accountant or a solicitor who helps you to register your business in Australia, all you have to do is to just hire them and pay the fees and all work and stress is of us thereafter.
Steps to register you business/ company in New Zealand ?
Set up your online account
To apply for an application in New Zealand you must have to apply or ill an online application to register your business. The New Zealand company office is a Government agency that provides business registry services in relation to corporate entities, personal property and capital market securities.

Reserve a Company name
After login to an online application, you must have to reserve a company name. Just make sure the name you have reserved is available. Once you have created your online account and reserved your company name, you can begin your online application to register your company.

Company information
You must provide company contact details for your company which includes addresses, registered office, and correspondence.

Tax registration for your business
You can register for an inland revenue number, a number for goods and services and another number to register as an employer.

Annual return filing month
Every registered company including overseas one has to do annual filing (i.e. annual return).

Providing a company constitution
This is a constitution sets out the rights, powers, duties of the companies to its Board Directors and Shareholders.

Application/ Registration
The final step in company registration is to begin the online application for the corporation. When you finish the application you need to pay the fees and click the submit button. The online application will cost around $150. You can register your business. All business registration could be done through the company office website.

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